A Guide to Fistula Surgery at Pune Hospitals

Fistula surgery is a crucial procedure for those suffering from this painful and often embarrassing condition. If you or a loved one is dealing with a fistula, understanding the surgery and the facilities available in Pune can be incredibly helpful. This guide about fistula surgery at Pune hospitals can help you a lot. What is […]
Piles, Fissures, and Fistula Surgery in Pune: Advanced Procedure and The Quickest Possible Recovery Time

Piles, fissures, and fistulas are three common anorectal disorders. Surgery plays a crucial role in the treatments and cure of these three physical disorders. However, the surgical procedures of all these disorders are not the same. These disorders require some specific surgical approaches tailored to the severity and characteristics of the patients. Atharva Hospital in […]
Fissure Hospital Pune: Modern Treatments from the Most Proficient Doctors

Fissure or anal fissure is a common and often painful condition affecting the anal canal. Fissure at any stage is not life-threatening but the symptoms can significantly impact the patient’s quality of life. Understanding the causes may help you avoid this disease. Knowledge of the symptoms and treatments available will help you make proper decisions […]
Get Comprehensive Treatment from the Piles Doctor in Pune

How common are piles in India? Believe it or not, at any given time almost 5% of the Indian population suffers from piles. Surveys have also projected that almost 50% of the Indian population suffers from piles at least once in their lifetime. Piles, also known as hemorrhoids are a painful disease if not treated […]
Piles Surgery in Pune: Get The Best Treatment From A Specialist

Hemorrhoids or piles are quite common worldwide. It is estimated that around 4.4% of the world’s population suffers from the disease. In India, more than 50% of the population reports Hemorrhoids or piles at least once in their lifetime. If you find any symptoms of piles, report to an expert doctor at the earliest. The […]
Modern piles hospital in Pune: Comprehensive care and Advanced Facilities

Almost 5% of Indian population suffers from piles at any point in time. Survey says that more than 50% of India population suffers from piles at least once in their lifetime. Keep in mind that many more cases are not registered in any hospital or clinic. The number of cases registered at the piles hospital […]
Finding Healing Hands: Anal Fistula Surgery in Pune

An estimated 40 million people worldwide suffer from anal fistulas. It is one of the most common anorectal disorders, affecting 1 in 100 individuals at some point in their lives. The prevalence is particularly high in developing countries due to poor sanitation and hygiene. This blog will help you understand everything that you need to […]
Piles Surgery in Pune: A Complete Guide

Piles, in medical terminology hemorrhoids are one of the most common health concerns in India. According to a report, approximately 1 million (10 lakh) Indians have been suffering from piles every year. Nowadays piles have become a household disease name like the common cold. The problem is most of us do not consider having piles […]
The Best Treatment for Bleeding Piles: Relief from a Never-Ending Painful Condition

Piles are swollen blood vessels in the anal area, especially in the rectum that cause discomfort and pain. It’s medically called hemorrhoids. Primarily, constipation is considered as the cause of piles but several other factors can also play a vital part in alleviating the issue. At a certain point in time, piles can start bleeding […]
Freedom from Discomfort and Pain with the Most Advanced Hemorrhoids Treatment

Hemorrhoids, commonly called piles, are one of the most pervasive medical conditions in India and across the globe. This is a condition when the swollen veins in the rectum or anal region cause discomfort and pain. In the advanced stage, hemorrhoids can bleed during the bowel movements. Different kinds of effective treatments including surgical operations […]