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Fissures Treatment in Pune

An anal fissure or fissure refers to a minor tear in the delicate, moist lining of the anus. The anus, situated at the end of the digestive tract, is a muscular orifice through which stool exits the body. Fissure is a common condition affecting a great number of people around the world. Common triggers for anal fissures encompass instances like constipation, straining during bowel movements, or the passage of hard or large stools. The characteristic symptoms of anal fissures typically involve pain and bleeding during bowel movements, often accompanied by spasms in the circular muscle surrounding the anus, known as the anal sphincter. While fissures are frequently encountered in young infants, they can affect individuals of all ages. Fortunately, most cases of anal fissures respond favorably to straightforward treatments such as increased dietary fiber or therapeutic warm-water baths. In some instances, individuals with anal fissures may require medication or, in rare circumstances, surgical intervention. However, if individuals are encountering symptoms associated with anal fissures, it’s crucial to promptly consult with a fissure specialist at a premium hospital like Atharv Hospital in Pune, Maharashtra. The fissure specialist will aid in identifying the root cause and devising a suitable treatment strategy.

Understanding Chronic Anal Fissures

A fissure that lasts more than six weeks or a recurrent fissure is termed a chronic anal fissure. The recurrent tears or ulcers in the lining of the anus fail to heal properly over an extended period, typically lasting for more than six weeks. They often result from ongoing issues like repeated constipation, frequent straining during bowel movements, or underlying conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease. Symptoms of chronic anal fissures typically include severe pain, bleeding, and discomfort during and after bowel movements. Unlike acute fissures, chronic ones tend to become deeper and can be more resistant to conventional treatments like dietary modifications and sitz baths. Managing chronic anal fissures often necessitates a more comprehensive approach, which may include topical medications, muscle relaxants, and occasionally surgical intervention to promote healing and alleviate symptoms. If individuals are looking for the best chronic anal fissure treatment in Pune, Maharashtra then Atharv Hospital should be their go-to option.

Common Causes and Risk Factors Associated with Anal Fissure

Common causes of fissures include constipation, straining during bowel movements, and the passage of hard or large stools. These factors can lead to minor tears in the delicate tissue lining the anus, resulting in the development of anal fissures. Some of the common causes of anal fissures include:

  • Passing large or hard stools
  • Constipation and straining during bowel movements
  • Long-lasting diarrhea
  • Anal intercourse
  • Childbirth

Less common causes of anal fissures include

  • Crohn’s disease or another inflammatory bowel disease
  • Anal cancer
  • Tuberculosis
  • Syphilis

Risk Factors

The following factors can heighten the likelihood of developing an anal fissure:

Constipation – The risk increases when individuals strain during bowel movements or pass hard stools, which can lead to tears.

Childbirth – Women are more prone to anal fissures after giving birth.

Crohn’s Disease – This inflammatory bowel ailment entails chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract, rendering the lining of the anal canal more susceptible to tears.

Age – Anal fissures can manifest at any age but are more prevalent among infants and middle-aged adults.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Fissures are common in infants and middle-aged people and cause sharp, stinging pain during bowel movements. People feel cutting or tearing feeling during the bowel movement and the pain may last for a few minutes to a few hours. Some common symptoms of anal fissure include:

Pain – A sharp, stabbing pain during and after bowel movements is a hallmark of anal fissures. The pain may persist for hours after defecation.

Bleeding – Bright red blood may be visible on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. The bleeding is typically minimal but can be alarming.

Discomfort – A constant discomfort or burning sensation in the anal area can accompany an anal fissure, making daily activities uncomfortable.

Spasms – Some individuals experience spasms in the anal sphincter muscles, causing further pain and discomfort.

Itching – Individuals may experience itching around the anal region that is caused due to irritation from the fissure or the use of certain hygiene products.

Visible Tear – In some cases, a small tear or ulcer may be visible near the anus, although this is not always the case.

Difficulty Passing Stool – The fear of pain and discomfort may lead to anxiety and difficulty passing stool, exacerbating constipation.

If individuals suspect they have an anal fissure, seeking medical evaluation is important for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Diagnosis and Tests for Anal Fissures

The diagnosis of an anal fissure typically involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and sometimes additional tests that should be conducted at a reputed hospital like Atharv Hospital in Pune, Maharashtra.

Medical History – The healthcare provider will inquire about symptoms, including pain, bleeding, and bowel habits. They may ask about factors such as constipation, childbirth, or other medical conditions.

Physical Examination – During a physical examination, the doctor will visually inspect the anal area. They may use a gloved finger for a gentle rectal examination to assess the presence of a fissure and check for other possible causes of symptoms.

Additional Tests – In some cases, additional tests such as anoscopy or sigmoidoscopy may be performed. Anoscopy involves using a lighted tube to examine the inside of the anal canal, while sigmoidoscopy examines a larger portion of the rectum and lower colon. These tests can help confirm the diagnosis and rule out other conditions.

The combination of medical history, physical examination, and any necessary tests allows healthcare professionals to accurately diagnose anal fissures and determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

Initial At-Home Care

After getting diagnosed with a fissure which is still in its early stage, individuals can start with initial at-home care. Initial at-home care for anal fissures can be accomplished through the following measures:

Increase Fiber Intake – Adopt a high-fiber diet or consider using fiber supplements to promote softer bowel movements.

Stay Hydrated – Consume a daily quota of 8 glasses of water to prevent the occurrence of hard stools.

Warm Sitz Baths – Take warm sitz baths lasting 10 to 20 minutes multiple times a day, especially after bowel movements. A sitz bath is a shallow, warm water bath that cleanses the anal area.

Utilize a Sitz Bathtub – Individuals can either use regular bathtub or purchase a plastic sitz bathtub from local pharmacy, designed to fit over their toilet for convenient use.

If there is no sign of relief after the initial at-home care or the problem persists, individuals are recommended to seek immediate medical attention or fissure treatment at a premium hospital in their region. Atharv Hospital in Pune, Maharashtra holds great expertise in anal fissure treatment.

Dietary Changes for Fissure Relief

To alleviate the discomfort of an anal fissure and support the healing process, individuals should consider making these dietary changes:

Increase Fiber Intake – Incorporate more fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes into the diet. Fiber softens stools and promotes regular bowel movements, reducing the risk of further irritation.

Stay Hydrated – Drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration and maintain soft, easy-to-pass stools.

Limit Irritants – Avoid spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol, as they can exacerbate anal discomfort and irritation.

Prune Juice – Prune juice is a natural laxative and can help soften stools. Drinking a small glass of prune juice daily may be beneficial.

Probiotics – Consider adding probiotic-rich foods like yogurt or taking probiotic supplements to support digestive health and maintain regularity.

These dietary adjustments can aid in the management of anal fissures by promoting softer stools and reducing the risk of further irritation and discomfort. However, always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options.

Medications for Anal Fissure Relief

Medications can play a crucial role in relieving the pain and promoting healing associated with anal fissures. Here are some common medications used for anal fissure relief:

Topical Anesthetics – Over-the-counter or prescription topical creams containing local anesthetics like lidocaine can help numb the anal area, reducing pain and discomfort.

Nitroglycerin – Nitroglycerin ointment relaxes the anal sphincter muscles and increases blood flow to the area, aiding in fissure healing.

Calcium Channel Blockers – Medications such as diltiazem or nifedipine, usually in the form of creams or ointments, can help relax the anal sphincter and promote healing by improving blood flow.

Stool Softeners – Over-the-counter stool softeners or prescribed laxatives may be recommended to prevent constipation and the straining associated with fissures.

Pain Relievers – Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage pain and discomfort.

Antibiotics – In cases of infection or abscess formation, antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the underlying issue.

However, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional at a reputed hospital for a proper diagnosis and tailored fissure treatment plan, as they will determine the most appropriate medications based on the severity and underlying causes of anal fissure.

Post-Surgery Care and Recovery

After undergoing a sphincterotomy, the typical healing time for anus is about six weeks. However, most individuals can resume their regular activities, including work, within one to two weeks post-surgery. Many individuals will find that the pain they experienced due to their anal fissure before surgery has significantly subsided within a few days after the procedure. While some discomfort is natural initially, it tends to be less severe than before. It’s common to observe slight blood on the toilet paper after a bowel movement during the first few weeks post-surgery. Individuals can do the following things to speed up their recuperation such as:

  • Take ample rest and sleep
  • Engage in light daily walks
  • Maintain good hygiene
  • Staying well-hydrated
  • Adopting a fiber-rich diet
  • Make use of gentle laxatives or stool softeners if constipation becomes a recurring issue
  • Follow the prescribed painkiller regimen

Moreover, individuals can typically return to their regular diet 48 hours after the procedure, provided they avoid fatty, spicy, and rich food, along with alcohol during this period.

How to Prevent Anal Fissure

Anal fissures though a common ailment can be prevented with some dietary and lifestyle changes. By keeping a few considerations in mind people can easily prevent them from suffering from this problem. Some of the common ways to prevent fissures include:

  • Ensure an ample fiber intake in diet to prevent constipation, which can contribute to anal fissures. Aim for 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily, incorporating foods like whole grains, wheat, oats, seeds, nuts, citrus fruits, and prunes.
  • Stay adequately hydrated to ward off constipation. Increased fluid consumption softens stools, making them easier to pass. Adjust fluid intake according to weather conditions and physical activity levels.
  • Regular exercise, with at least 30 minutes most days, promotes a healthy digestive system. Aim for 150 minutes or more weekly to maintain digestive efficiency.
  • Respond promptly to the body’s urge for a bowel movement, as delaying can weaken these signals and lead to drier, harder stools that are challenging to pass.

By adopting these healthy bowel habits, individuals can reduce the risk of constipation and alleviate strain on the anal canal, promoting overall digestive well-being.

Consult the Healthcare Specialist of Atharv Hospital for the Best Treatment

An anal fissure is a problem that needs immediate medical attention as it won’t go on its own. Individuals suffering from fissures or chronic anal fissures should seek medical treatment from an experienced primary care provider, a proctologist, or a surgeon to avail the best treatment for anal fissures in Pune, Maharashtra. Athrava Hospital in Pune, Maharashtra is known for offering internationally standard healthcare through its team of qualified healthcare professionals for ailments like piles, fissures, and fistulas. Healthcare specialists of Atharv Hospital adopt the best anal fissure treatment like laser treatment with the help of the latest medical advancements at an affordable cost.

  • Recipient of several awards and accolades
  • Rendering quality treatment in a patient-friendly environment
  • Best hospital for undergoing anal fissure treatment in Maharashtra
  • Served by an eminent team of doctors and specialists
  • Affordable fissure and chronic fissure treatment

Causes of Fissure

  • Hard stools especially associated with constipation – The increased pressure exerted in an effort to pass the hard stools causes tearing of the delicate perianal skin.

  • Diarrhoea – The frequent forceful bowel movement causes tearing of the anal skin.

  • Iatrogenic – A tear may occur during insertion of a rectal thermometer, USG probe, endoscope, enema tube.

  • Anal sex – Commonly encountered in homosexuals.

Symptoms of Constipation

  • This pain while passing stools may be so severe that patients are frightened of a bowel movement and avoid one.

  • Sometimes seen as a streak of blood on stools or blood on the tissue.

  • Need to strain while passing stools

  • Pruritus ani – Itching in the anal region.

  • Malodorous discharge

Diagnosis of Fissure

A history of your symptoms followed by external inspection of the anus is enough to confirm the diagnosis.

On rare occasions your doctor may advice you other tests to rule out any suspected underlying cause for the fissure.


shankar sawant
shankar sawant
11. January, 2023.
Staff is very cooperative.Really happy with the treatment as very minimal pain after surgery.Would like to highly recommend Dr.Sandip Agarwal for piles/fissure/fistula surgery.
Sandy Sandy
Sandy Sandy
11. January, 2023.
Santa Tambe
Santa Tambe
17. December, 2022.
मी संतोष तांबे मला काही वर्षांपासून मुळवयाध होते माझे पोट साफ होत नव्हते मि संदिप अग्रवाल सरांना भेटलो मला सर्जरी करण्यास सांगितले मी हि तयार झालो सर्जरी केली आता मला कसलाही त्रास नाही मि आनंदित आहे धन्यवाद सर
17. December, 2022.
The best experience I had in atharv hospital, doctor's positive attitude towards patients, humble and polite nature and the way they handle the patients is just outstanding and its cost effective, and if I talk about the result, you will be completely fine When u leave the hospital
Santosh Ingale
Santosh Ingale
12. December, 2022.
It's really very good hospital to treat all types of piles problem permantaly.whatever Freindaly communication done by Doctores and staff it's also very usefull in daily rutine. Dr.sandip sir is also very good whatever they commited it's always true.permanant solution for Piles.
10. December, 2022.
Pune. S best hospital

Frequently Asked Questions

An anal fissure is a small tear in the lining of the anus. Treatment may involve dietary changes, medications, or surgical options. Atharva Hospital offers comprehensive care for anal fissures.

Atharva Hospital in Pune, Maharashtra, provides specialized anal fissure treatment. Our experienced team ensures effective and compassionate care for your needs.

Common symptoms include pain during bowel movements, bleeding, itching, and discomfort. Atharva Hospital can diagnose and address these symptoms.

Chronic fissures may require more advanced treatment approaches. At Atharva Hospital, we offer tailored treatments for chronic anal fissures to promote healing.

Atharva Hospital in Pune, Maharashtra, provides specialized fissure treatment. Our experts focus on patient well-being and long-term relief.

The cost varies based on individual cases and chosen treatment methods. We offer transparent pricing and can provide you with details during your consultation.

At Atharva Hospital, we provide comprehensive care for both conditions. Our approach addresses piles and fissures together for optimal results.

Atharva Hospital specializes in the treatment of piles with fissures in Pune, Maharashtra. Our dedicated team ensures personalized care and successful outcomes.

It’s like taking a small nap! All you will feel is a small needle prick during your preparation for the procedure. The entire surgery takes about 30 minutes.

You will normally be able to start drinking water shortly after the procedure and can start eating as soon as you are hungry. You will be able to get out of bed a few hours after surgery. You are likely to have some pain after the procedure that is easily controlled with painkillers. You can expect a small amount of bleeding and wearing a pad will protect your clothes from getting soiled.

If your operation is planned as a day care procedure you can go home as soon as the effect of the anaesthetic has worn off, you have passed urine and you are comfortable, eating and drinking. Since a general anaesthetic is used, it is advisable that a responsible adult take you home and stay with you for 24 hours.Before you are discharged you will be advised about post-operative care, painkillers and laxatives.

You will normally open your bowels within 2-3 days of your operation. This may be uncomfortable at first and there could be a sense of ‘urgency’ (need to rush to the toilet). You may notice mild blood loss after each bowel movement but this will gradually reduce over the next few days. Maintain hygiene, and wash and keep the operation site clean. It is important to maintain a regular bowel movement that should be well formed but soft. You may need to take prescribed laxatives for 2-4 weeks. Eating a high fibre diet and increasing water/fluid intake will help.

If you develop a fever above 100 F
Increasing pain, swelling, redness or discharge
Severe bleeding
Constipation >3 daysIf you develop a fever above 100 F
Increasing pain, swelling, redness or discharge
Severe bleeding
Constipation >3 days