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What is a Pilonidal Cyst?

A Pilonidal Cyst is a hair and skin debris-filled sac. It is formed at the bottom of your tailbone. The recovery time after cyst surgery is estimated as per the procedure type in case you need stitches. It can last for a few months.

Pilonidal Cysts were earlier thought to be a congenital disease formed in utero. Now, the researcher believes that they are acquired from hair surrounding soft tissues as well as inward-growing skin. Such a growth forms a foreign body reaction with a thickened tissue. 

Is Pilonidal Surgery necessary?

Pilonidal Cysts are two times more common in men than in women. The cysts mostly occur in men in their 20s and 30s. Some of the initial treatments a person can undergo for Pilonidal Cysts are the following:

But in case of a severe infection, you may need surgery. 

Types of Cysts Removal Procedure

There are two types of procedures used to treat pilonidal cysts, such as the following:

Learn more about these procedures and their recovery process and if a cyst can return.

  1. Incision & Drainage

We recommend an incision and drainage procedure for treating Pilonidal Cyst if:

An Incision procedure is successful at treating a pilonidal cyst more than half the time. Doctors often recommend people to have the procedure and try to prevent further infections from other hair removal procedures, such as the following:

  1. Surgical Cyst Removal

If the incision and drainage procedure seems ineffective in eliminating pilonidal cysts, your doctor will recommend a surgical cyst removal under the following conditions:

  1. Newer Clinical procedures

There are also upcoming minimally invasive surgical treatments showing promising results in treating pilonidal cysts, such as the following:

Potential risks involved in Pilonidal Surgeries

Of all the available treatments, Incision and Drainage is the only procedure for treating cysts. It rarely causes any complications. As far as risks are concerned, pain is the most common complication of any Pilonidal Surgery. The typical Cyst Surgical removal causes scarring, which will become less noticeable over time. These surgical procedures can lead to infection. If you have recently operated with the Surgery, then you must look for the following infection signs:

Under potential serious complications, look for the following signs:

Pilonidal cysts have a high risk of reoccurrence after the procedure. You may need more than one procedure to remove all the cysts. 


What is a pilonidal sinus?

A Pilonidal Cyst is a hair and skin debris-filled sac. It is formed at the bottom of your tailbone. The recovery time after cyst surgery is estimated as per the procedure type in case you need stitches. It can last for a few months.

When is pilonidal sinus surgery necessary?

Surgery is essential to remove a pilonidal cyst if it does not heal. We recommend the procedure if your pilonidal disease is causing pain. If the cyst is not causing symptoms, then it does not need treatment.

What are the different surgical options for treating pilonidal sinus?

There are two surgical methods, such as the following:

How long does pilonidal sinus surgery typically take?

If performed under a general anesthetic, the procedure usually takes about 30 minutes. The doctor will remove the infected sinus tissue over the affected area.

Is pilonidal sinus surgery painful?

Slight discomfort after surgery is common. You can experience pain in the affected area for the first two days. If the pain gets worse, then you must consult your surgeon. However with time, the pain eases.

What are the potential complications of pilonidal sinus surgery?

Some of the complications associated with the Pilonidal Sinus surgery are pain, inflamed or swollen skin, elevated body temperature, blood/pus seeping from the wound, and foul odor coming from the wound.

How long is the recovery period after pilonidal sinus surgery?

Patient typically leaves the hospital with dressings. The dressing can last for 3 days. Doctors will share a prescription letter with you. The open wound takes about 6-8 weeks to heal.

Are there any specific care instructions after pilonidal sinus surgery?

Yes. You must take at least 2 weeks off work till the follow-up appointment. During this time, you must only lie down on your front and side for the wound can heal. Do not sit on the bottom for more than ten minutes.

Can pilonidal sinus surgery be done as an outpatient procedure?

Yes, the pilonidal cystectomy is the deal here. If you are having problems with a pilonidal cyst, it can be removed surgically as an outpatient procedure and you do not need to spend the night in the hospital. You will be discharged with the medicine or the general anesthesia to keep you asleep and pain-free.

What can I expect during the pre-operative and post-operative phases of pilonidal sinus surgery?

For wound care, take pain medication before dressing change, and shower the wound twice a day. You can also reinsert fresh gauze in the wound after shower, and leave the dressing from surgery until the after day.

Are there any lifestyle changes or preventive measures to reduce the risk of pilonidal sinus recurrence?

People with a lot of body hair must be cautious as they are likely to develop pilonidal sinuses. You must remove hair in the buttocks area. We recommend shaving, laser hair removal, and depilatory lotions as hair removal methods.

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