How common are piles in India? Believe it or not, at any given time almost 5% of the Indian population suffers from piles. Surveys have also projected that almost 50% of the Indian population suffers from piles at least once in their lifetime.
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids are a painful disease if not treated in time. It is a kind of swollen and inflamed vein in the area of the rectum or anus. It can be developed internally inside the rectum or externally around the anus. It requires comprehensive treatment for complete recovery. A good doctor always provides comprehensive treatment with the help of a multifaceted approach such as changes in lifestyle, medicine, and surgery. If you are suffering from piles you must go to a good piles doctor in Pune for complete recovery.
It’s a one-of-a-kind BEIM technology available at Atharva Hospital in Pune that has revolutionized piles surgery and treatment.

A multifaceted approach for recovering from piles
For getting complete recovery a good piles doctor always follows the following steps:
- Evaluation: The first thing that a doctor needs to do is to go for a thorough examination to find out the severity of the disease and the types of hemorrhoids. There are several types of diagnostic tests for example anoscopy, sigmosidoscopy, or colonoscopy for confirming the diagnosis and finding out the extent of the condition of the piles.
- Changes in the Lifestyle: Doctors will recommend some dietary modifications such as an increase in fiber intake which is highly necessary for softening the stool of the patient and reducing the straining at the time of the bowel movement. Apart from that, the patients are also advised to keep themselves hydrated or prevent constipation and promote regular bowel movement. Moreover, the patients are advised not to sit on the toilet for a long time and not to lift heavy objects since these habits can exacerbate the symptoms of piles.
- Medications: Doctors may also prescribe some medicine that will help in alleviating the symptoms such as pain, itching, and inflammation. Various types of topical treatments such as creams, ointments, or suppositories contain corticosteroids, analgesics, or vasoconstrictors for temporary relief. Doctors may also prescribe some stool softeners or laxatives for easy bowel movements and to reduce strain on hemorrhoids.
- Sitz Baths: Doctors may also recommend sitz baths in which the anal area is soaked in warm water for several minutes per day so that they can get relief from discomfort, reducing inflammation and promoting healing. There are some soothing agents such as Epsom salts or witch hazel that you can add to the sitz bath water to enhance the therapeutic effects.
- Minimally invasive procedures: Doctors may also advise for invasive treatments for example rubber band ligation. In this process, the rubber band is placed around the base of the piles to cut off the blood supply so that hemorrhoids can shrink and fall off.
- Surgical option: When the conservative treatments do not work doctors go for surgical intervention such as hemorrhoidectomy. In this process, the hemorrhoid is removed under anesthesia. This process is mainly reserved for large, complicated, and symptomatic hemorrhoids such as thrombosis. At Atharva Hospital, the best piles doctor in Pune undertakes piles surgery with BEIM technology which is no-bleeding and no-stitch surgery. You get discharged on the same day or maximum next day.
- Follow-up process and monitoring: It is also necessary for monitoring the process and assessing the treatment efficacy. Based on the response of the patient it is necessary to adjust the treatment plan for managing the condition and preventing recurrence.
Piles are common in India but it has good treatments. If treated in time there is a high chance of complete recovery from the disease. Take the help of the best piles doctor in Pune for early recovery.